Website SGS-Matrolab
SGS is the world’s leading Testing, Inspection and Certification company. We operate a network of over 2,700 laboratories and business facilities across 119 countries, supported by a team of 99,250 dedicated professionals. With over 145 years of service excellence, we combine the precision and accuracy that define Swiss companies to help organizations achieve the highest standards of quality, safety and compliance. Our brand promise, when you need to be sure, underscores our commitment to reliability, integrity and trust — enabling businesses to thrive with confidence. We proudly deliver our expert services through the SGS name and trusted specialized brands, including Brightsight, Bluesign, Maine Pointe and Nutrasource.
SGS-Matrolab invites South African students to submit applications for the Bursary Programme for the academic year 2025.
Bursary Coverage
The SGS-Matrolab Bursary will cover the following expenses:
- Tuition fees
- Textbooks
- Other related academic costs
Funding will be paid directly to the respective tertiary institution.
Eligibility Requirements
To qualify for this bursary, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Must reside in Witbank, Emalahleni Local Municipality (Mpumalanga).
- Must have completed Matric.
- Must be studying or intend to study full-time or part-time towards an Undergraduate Degree or Diploma in Civil Engineering.
- Must be entering 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year of study in 2025.
- Must be enrolled or accepted at an accredited tertiary institution in South Africa.
- Must have achieved a minimum academic average of 65% if currently studying.
- Must have a strong academic record.
- Must demonstrate proven financial need.
- Must not have a criminal record and be willing to undergo a Police Clearance or criminal record check.
How to Apply
Interested candidates must submit their applications online at: SGS-Matrolab Bursary Application 2025.
When completing the application form, enter “” in the field asking how you heard about the bursary.
Required Supporting Documents
Applicants must submit clear copies of the following compulsory documents:
- Certified copy of ID document
- Certified copy of Matric certificate
- Proof of enrolment or acceptance at a tertiary institution
- Academic record/transcripts (if currently studying)
- Parents/guardians proof of household income (payslips if employed, bank statement or sworn affidavit if self-employed/unemployed)
- Personal statement detailing financial need, career goals, and how the bursary will help you achieve them
- Proof of residence
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) (maximum 3 pages)